25 Tips for boosting your agility and well-being
🚀Take an agile approach to being agile
🚀Think big, act small
🚀Take small steps, make small incremental changes
🚀Regularly reflect, retune and refine
🚀Continuously improve
🚀Accept some things are never done
🚀Run sprints not marathons
🚀Focus on sanity over vanity metrics
🚀Invite collaboration where there is competition
🚀Remember everyone is doing the best they can with what they’ve got
🚀 Be kind
🚀 Conversation is key to effective communication
🚀 Maximise work not done, find the Minimum viable solution when time and resource is in short supply.
🚀Prioritise testing new ideas over documenting them
🚀Go with the flow
🚀Create a sustainable pace to maximise your performance, well-being and growth.
🚀Make it safe to challenge, fail and learn
🚀Share the work in progress for feed-in
🚀Release things before they’re completely ready for feedback
🚀When under pressure, stop and Question the urgency
🚀Prioritise the must dos and should do important tasks, but change the game with the could’s and would love to do’s.
🚀Embrace random acts of agile
🚀Persevere if you can, pivot if you can’t.
🚀Game the iron triangle. Value working solutions, make resources flexible, run on agile time.
Inspired by the brilliant book — Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway: How to Turn Your Fear and Indecision into Confidence and Action by Susan Jeffers https://amzn.eu/d/5RAI2Oy