A small incremental improvement!  An Agile Manifesto for all.

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The Being Agile Manifesto

Continuously improving our ways of working for growth, performance and well-being.

In being agile we value..

  •  conversations and interactions over processes and tools
  •  working solutions over comprehensive documentation
  •  relationships & collaboration over contract negotiation and competition
  •  responding to change over following the plan

While our values on the right are important, we value those on the left MORE!

Being Agile Principles

Being Agile Manifesto & Principles 2.1 (last Updated Nov 2022)

Agile Manifesto

Agile Manifesto for Business Nov22


While the original manifesto is brilliant for its application in software development, the being agile manifesto aims to adapt and evolve it for use beyond software as a business and team manifesto for navigating growth and improvement within any organisation.

The first change back in 2011 was to change the word software to solution. I was encouraged to hear early on after presenting my manifesto changes as a keynote at a leading agile conference that the adaptation of software to solution was one that had been recognised by the original authors as an alternative word.

The principles have also been adapted and simplified for broader use too.agile-principles-simplified

I have been a keen agile advocate for many years now, and on my journey I have explored, implemented and shared agile across business sectors and disciplines, within digital-tech and outside IT entirely.  I have used it to market and grow a conference, write a book, start a tech community and run my own consulting and training business.  I have run EU funded business programmes, educational programmes, and introduced agile working across the private and public sector.  From marketing to museums, from finance to fashion, breweries to geologists.

As part of this journey I have found myself adapting and making small incremental changes to agile methods and tools to help translate agile beyond tech product development.  One of these adaptations is the evolution of the Agile Manifesto and Principles to apply their sentiment and expand upon them for their application more broadly in business and in life!

Credit : You can view the original software manifesto here https://agilemanifesto.org/

Workshop : Create your own agile manifesto!

Through Workshops and Coaching we work with organisations and teams to develop their own Agile Manifesto and Style that fits their business model.

Agile Manifesto Workshop

agile museum - agile manifesto 2.0

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Complete the Being Agile online course and gain your Certificate in Being Agile. Learn about the Being Agile mindset and method, gain more tools, games and exercises for boosting your agility.
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