Being Agile in Business

Explore and experience the philosophy, principles and practices of agile project management and team working

  • Understand and adopt key concepts and principles of agile working
  • Understand the benefits and value of taking an agile approach
  • Apply agile thinking, methods and tools to roles, teams and projects
  • Identify where and how agile methods can be best used and of most value
  • Understand which agile methods and tools to apply and when
  • Practically apply agile practices and techniques to current work
  • Enhance team working, collaboration and communication

Modules included:

  • Introduction to Agile
  • Agile Mindset
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Retrospectives
  • Roadmaps
  • Journeys & Pipelines
  • Leadership
  • Coaching Tools
  • Digital Tools
  • Stories & Case Studies
  • Templates
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Boost your productivity, growth and well-being

Introduction to Agile

  • Learn. 4 video lessons teaching you the Being Agile mindset and method and how to apply it in your work and life. With new resources added each month.
  • Apply. 2 hours of guidance on how to practically apply agile techniques, tools and concepts with exercises and games.
  • Resources. Download practical templates, easy to follow step-by-step guides and resources to help you be even more agile.

Agile Mindset

  • Understanding Uncertainty
  • Get an Agile Mindset
  • Agile Mindset Test
  • Think in an agile way
  • Lighten your mental load!
  • Get Focused!

Applying Agile

  • The Being Agile Method
  • Create your Agile Canvas
  • Planning your time
  • Prioritisation made easy
  • Boosting your productivity!
  • Making it happen!

Optimising Agility

  • Keep track
  • Optimise your time
  • Cut yourself some slack
  • Create a sustainable pace
  • Reflect and learn
  • Iterate and improve!
  • Go Digital!
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