Random Acts of Agile

Random acts of agile – A series of stories of applying agile in unexpected circumstances.

In this talk I will share how to Feel the fear and do it the agile way!

I will share stories of how I have been applying agile approaches and keeping an agile mindset to help navigate the chaos and uncertainty of work and life. I’ll share examples of some of the key techniques and tools I have used and how they’ve helped me gain perspective and find a way forward.

  • Being agile in chronic pain – how I used an agile approach to recover from long covid before we knew long covid was a thing.
  • Being agile in home schooling – how the kids became self-organising in lockdown
  • Being agile in crime – how we took an agile collaborative community approach to reducing local trailer thefts
  • Being agile creating a chat bot – how to build a chat bot in an agile way
  • Being agile in marketing – random acts of digital marketing
  • Being agile on a pony – what horses have taught me about being agile

I’ll share my gains from being agile and some of the pains of being agile too!

I believe an agile mindset has helped get me through this rollercoaster of change and uncertainty. In the session I’ll share stories and insights into how agile can help us keep moving forward, even in the most uncertain of times.

If you would like to register your interest in this talk, or would like to consider it for a conference or event please email info@beingagile.co.uk

Agile Way – Feel the fear and do it the agile way

Agile Mindset Books – 10 books for developing an agile mindset

Talks, Events and Workshops