Absolutely delighted to work with the Media Majlis team in Doha, Qatar. 3 day Being Agile in Museums course to the new team focused on opening the new museum, and their first exhibitions.
Over the 3 days teams gained an understanding of agile methods and tools and how they can be applied within a Museum context.
Teams explored the application of agile for
Museum Opening
Partner Working
Agile Exhibitions
Agile Education
The course introduced Agile Thinking and Methods and their application within a Museum Organisation and its teams.
The course included practical exercises, discussions and application to understand and apply agile within the context of the opening of the Media Majlis Museum.
If you would like to discuss Agile Museums training and coaching for your team please contact us info@beingagile.co.uk
View CourseDuring the workshop the Team created their own Agile Manifesto, Created an Agile Road Map for the Museum Opening, and Created Minimum Viable Exhibitions.
Workshop – Agile Exhibition Exercise
Agile Museum Manifesto
Minimum Viable Museum
Practical, hands on agile project management, product development and team working.
Being Agile courses are customised for your team and organisation. During your course the team will practically apply and on their current and future work. Throughout courses teams will create and apply methods directly that can be immediately implemented.
Contact us for an initial free conversation about an agile museum programme for your team.
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