1. Agile Background
Learn about the sources of the methods and practices behind agile
2. Agile Benefits
Explore the problems agile can help to solve and the benefits agile working can bring
3. Agile Characteristics
Identify what being agile means to you
4. Agile Logic
Understand the logic behind agile thinking
5. Agile State
Identify the 3 layers of agility needed to create an agile mind set
6. Agile Beliefs
Understand the values and principles behind an agile way of thinking
7. Agile Method
Discover how to adopt a learning driven approach that delivers results early and allows for improvement
8. Agile Goals
Learn how to be solution focused and clarify what you want to achieve
9. Agile Reality
Learn how to take a reality check to help you gain focus and balance
10. Agile Options
Discover simple ways to map out your early choices with the information you have available
11. Agile Way Forward
Explore how to develop a test driven route to success through observation to gain better awareness
12. Continuous Delivery
Learn how to change to a rhythm that works to sustain and manage performance
13. Agile Scope
Adopt an approach that manages variables and works to deliver benefits rather than fix and control requirements and the end result
14. Estimation Games
Learn a series of games that help you to understand jobs and clarify the expectations of others
15. Ranking Priorities
Learn simple ways to order and establish the importance and order of things
16. Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Learn how to explore and develop your ideas and validate their viability rapidly
17. Agile Dashboard
Learn how to easily build a practical way to visualise, track and manage your workload
18. Lean Pipelines
Visualise journeys and progress and create communication channels with colleagues
19. Lean Efficiencies
Remove and reduce waste, discover commonly hidden inefficiencies
20. Run Sprints not Marathons
Discover an approach that allows for regular change and improvement while reducing daily interruptions and distractions
21. Sanity Metrics over Vanity Metrics
Learn how to set measures that inform and identify development opportunities
22. Agile Reflection
Explore simple ways to build refection and learning into your everyday working practices
23. Learning from Experience
Recognise agile methods provide a platform for changing direction as we gain more experience and understanding
24. Sharing Agile
Discover ways to introduce others to agile, who will be most likely to join you early and who may take some time to convert
25. Agile Culture
Identify ways agile works to foster a healthy and positive working environment
26. Agile Teams
Learn about how teams can use agile to work collaboratively and in harmony using agile communication practices and visualisation tools
27. Lean Teams
Establish collaborative working and connect teams using visualisation of workflows
28. Agile Leadership
Explore how agile methods support the development of a shared and common purpose within a business, breaking down barriers and improving communication throughout the business
29. Agile Management
Learn how to use agile as a tool to improve team performance and individual job satisfaction
30. Business Agility
Explore how agile can be embedded at all levels of a business to create an organisational state of agility